Hi, I thought I would ask again. I have been working on this for a couple weeks without much success.
I am trying to create a fluid in a container that swirls a lot. BUT, I want the contents in -X of the container to hardly change at all - then gradually increase in velocity in the X direction. This works when I create a gradient velocity - but then the swirl option is disabled.
I should mention that the fluid container's density is created with an image map imported in paint fluids - and it is one end of the image that I want to preserve - with the rest of the image gradually swirling away.
I tried using the temperature gradient and have to go as high as 500 value in order to get one side to "freeze" but the hot side sizzles and falls apart. I upped the viscosity which helps but the smoke stays too much together - is gooey. I am also using damping.
Please help!
Maybe there is a good turbulence setting to approach swirling?
thanks, Kim