Mar 2007
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Mar 2007
Mar 2007

Hi everyone! I'm new in 3d painting so I need just some simple advices and guide lines.

I've modeled a simple alien character, and I've just finished to create UV coordinates for all the body, from the head to the feet, so if I open the "UV Texture Panel" with the geometry selected I can see all the UV into the 0 to 1 space, adjusted in the way that the texture applied on the geometry appears proportionate on all the body... ok.. until here all right.

I've used a seamless alienskin texture so I've repeated it 30 times.

Now I'd like add detail on the texture, for example: I'd like brighten up the palm area (for the hands and feet), or I'd like to change a little bit the coloro of the stomach... and so on.

Under the "UV Texture Panel" I've made a "UV Snapshot" and I've import the image into photoshop, here I can paint on the texture using the "UV Coordinates" like reference, but it's not very precise 'cause I don't know effectively where I'm painting, and I've to switch continuously from photoshop to maya to test.. a bit uncomfortable.

So.. inside maya if I use the "Texturing-->3D paint tool" I can't paint on the entire texture, but it repeats the painting on every single rawplug 'cause I've repeated the texture 30 times... so I thought I've to have a unique big texture not repeated, and I've tried, under the "UV texture panel", to create a "PSD Network" but it doesn't accept values above "512" for the texture resolution output, if I put something like 1024 I receive a "fatal error" and the program shuts down.

Any advices will be well accepted,

Thank you very much and sorry for the lenght of the post.


  • created

    Mar '07
  • last reply

    Mar '07
  • 2


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I dont know much about 3d paint tool, i never actually used it, im not much of a texturer, but the photoshop is the way to go. Everybody does it that way. there are not a single pro i think who does not use photoshop for texturing. And , just to let you know, there is a plugin that allows to very comfortably transfer textures between may and photoshop. Hope that these are the right links\_plugins/8.html1

If you want to 3d paint directly on top of your tiled texture without repeating the paint strokes, you could first tweak your reptile skin texture until you're satisfied with the tiling etc. Create layered texture and connect your texture to its color and then connect the layered texture to your surface shader.
Select your object, go to 3d paint tool settings and choose assign/edit textures. A window opens, select "custom color" as background mode instead of "shader default". Now in hypershade you can see a new texture connected to your shader, it has the repeated tiling from source texture but texture placement attributes have been reset. Now you can paint on top of that texture without tiling the paint strokes.
I created the layered texture because I couldn't choose custom color mode with file texture if it was directly connected to the shader's color. With procedurals it seemed to work without this extra step...

Is this what you were looking for? I hope it works with your alien, I tested with just a very simple object.


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