Any potential client who thinks 3D is easy is an idiot and you don't want to work for them anyway. I have been working with digital media for over 15 years and I have never felt like my head would explode until Maya. I have used and been instructor for many of the popular applications.
If you are finding your rates low, and you doubled them tomorrow, you would probably get less work, would it be half the amount? Wouldn't that be the same money? Now what are you going to do with all that extra time?
When I was just out of school working as a grip I stated my rate at about 125% to 150% of base. I was hired some times simply based on the assumption that if my rate was that high I must be good.
In some industries they say never discount, if you do your customers will expect it and wait for the discount.
Don't fall into the cheap trap. Get to the level that you know your work is top notch and charge top notch prices. If you have low rates you will get clients that call when they don't have any money, and unless you give it away it won't look top notch because the budget wasn't there. If you let them know your price is expensive they might not hire you now but they will keep you in mind that you are working for top prices and they might come back some time when they have a real budget.
It's the old adage... you get back what you send out. If you are projecting "I am cheap and I work real hard" you are going to end up working allot for no money creating junky looking work. If you project "I am expensive but I am fast and it's great work" then you will probably work less hours for more money and you will end up working on sufficiently budgeted pieces that look great on your reel.
I have hired someone at half rate that took three times as long and produced something not as good as someone who knew what they are doing and charged accordingly. Every time I try to skimp on talent cost I end up loosing.
A rock and roll attitude works in this industry too. "Let me know what you want and let's get started on it, or cut me loose because I have allot to do" (i.e. don't waste my time, it's valuable)
Most of all remember this. I know because I have been on both sides of this.
They need you more than you need them.
There are many more jobs that need doing than there are talented people to do them. No matter what the job, this is the case.
Having said that is anyone available for hire to do the above UV mapping?