Is this what we are talking about here?

Okay here goes the recipe:

mib_texture_vector1.outValue > mib_texture_remap1.input
mib_bump_basis1.u > mib_passthrough_bump1.u
mib_bump_basis1.v > mib_passthrough_bump1.v
mib_texture_remap1.outValue > mib_passthrough_bump1.coord
directionalLightShape1.miExportMrLight > dielectric_material1.lights[0]
mib_passthrough_bump1.outValue > mib_color_mix1.color_0
mib_dielectric_material1.outValue > mib_color_mix1.color_1
mib_color_mix1.outValue > blinn1SG.miMaterialShader
leave default values for picking texture vector from default uv set for poly or implicite uv from nurbs.
Repeat: 1, 1, 0
Min: 0, 0, 0
Max: 1, 1, 0
This node is similar to maya's texture placement - so are the placement and repeat attributes ( should be self explanatory )
leave default for using surface uv space as bump basis vectors.
Factor: ( strength of bump )
tex: create custom texture entity ( in mr render globals ) and type it's name here. This is bump map texture.
Num: 2
Weight_0: 0
Weight_1: 1
[press render button]