Uh, why is that against the Maya design?
es, thats what I do ;]
Bingo theres the design mistake. Or to be honest
outputForce = 10 * pow( 25, 2 ) = 6250.
is against the design. You just blasted yourself trough thinking you understood whats going on. Ever wonder how maya does dont need to refeer to the dynGlobals?
outputForce is in NEWTONS*. Your not supposed to calculate the fractional effect yourself. 1 newton over 0.2 seconds is a velocity increase of 0.2 m/s. The output force is not tied to framerate force is not dependent on time . Please note maya MAY not allways take even steps, when it colldies it may actually go back in time to refine the solution. Well factually maya does not, however the implementation IS open for it. So you can not rely on the step size to be constant.
Anyway its the dynamic engines job to actually integrate the factional result. By taking the entire thing into your won hands your now forced to do all of the job associated with the dynamics engine. But you may actually want to convert data to fps reason but you only need to manage input, even with dual steps it doesn't change the solution. Dont mix this tthinking it just means you input unit differs step size does not matter.
Ok so the fractional stepsize may be important to you because you might want to integrate something inside your node. Most nodes dont need this, the field just has a magnitude and thats it, you just give the force in newtons and maya will figure out how much to move. However if your doing some integration you have a input attribute in your node:
static MObject mDeltaTime
that will keep tabs on the size of your time step size.
Now your a unfortunate victim of reading a bad example without thinking deeply.
- its easy to proove, make a gravity field and attach it to something and querry:
getAttr gravityField1.outputForce[0]
and youll notice that irrespectively of my timestep/framerate the value is 0 -9.8 0 and indeed the object moves 9,8/2 units in one second. which is correct. PLEASE NOTE: Im not kidding when i say that the linear unit in maya is plain wrong. The default unit of cm is NOT CORRECT, the dfault unit is meter some idiot just has renamed m to cm for some blooper reason. Theres NO DESIGN WHATSOEVER behind in maya to acctually correlate with the claim in preferences. Thus setting the unit to ANYTHING other than cm is even more wrong.
So if somebody claims something and all evidence points to contrary then the claim is wrong no matter how much yud like to belive it.
PS: I suspect that your trying to actually drive velocity, yiu can do that then you need the step size as velocity is the integral of force.