I’m having a problem with creating a renderer subclass of MViewportRenderer in Maya 2011.
The problem is that whatever I do, I can’t get the rendered output to display in the viewport!
The same problem is happening with the OpenGLViewportRenderer and D3DViewportRenderer examples built straight out the devkit. The code compiles fine, loads into Maya fine, you can select the plugin as a renderer option in the viewport but nothing is drawn. I have stepped through the code and the render() function is being called, and all the GL draw commands are being called, but nothing is appearing.
I’ve tried the OpenGLViewportRenderer example code on OSX and Windows, and the D3DViewportRenderer on windows with the same (lack of) result. Also tried on two different machines in case it was gfx card related.
Any ideas? I’m running Maya 2011 64 bit on OSX 10.6.3 and Windows7 x64 (also tried building 32bit and running Maya in 32bit mode) - Has anyone successfully built and run the renderer examples on 2011?