I have gone back and tried working around using the Bonus tools. Using the "Convert File to Texture (Maya Software)" does provide many more options, But it still has the drawback of resolution limitations. If I set the options to:
- fill texture seams
- bake shading group lighting
- bake shadows
- UV range: default
X & Y resolution to any size < or = 1024, it renders great.
convertSolidTx -antiAlias 1 -bm 2 -fts 1 -sp 0 -sh 1 -alpha 0 -doubleSided 0 -componentRange 0 -resolutionX 1024 -resolutionY 1024 -fileFormat "jpg" -bc 128 128 128 lambert54SG polySurface1;
// Light_Rig:directionalLight_MAINShape: Reading shadow depth map file G:/courses/SpanishBay/depthmap_Light_Rig_directionalLight_MAINShape.SM.iff
// Light_Rig:directionalLight_MAINShape: Reading shadow depth map file G:/courses/SpanishBay/depthmap_Light_Rig_directionalLight_MAINShape.MIDMAP.SM.iff
// Result: file1 //
If I bump the resolution up to 2048 x 2048 it begins the process, but simply drops off before producing the texture:
convertSolidTx -antiAlias 1 -bm 2 -fts 0 -sp 0 -sh 1 -alpha 0 -doubleSided 0 -componentRange 0 -resolutionX 2048 -resolutionY 2048 -fileFormat "jpg" -bc 128 128 128 lambert54SG polySurface1;
// Light_Rig:directionalLight_MAINShape: Reading shadow depth map file G:/courses/SpanishBay/depthmap_Light_Rig_directionalLight_MAINShape.SM.iff
// Light_Rig:directionalLight_MAINShape: Reading shadow depth map file G:/courses/SpanishBay/depthmap_Light_Rig_directionalLight_MAINShape.MIDMAP.SM.iff
No result, no texture produced.
Advice anyone? Thanks again for pointing me in this direction Joojaa.