the motion field is the field that was made with fluids in mind, other fields work on fluids b/c fluids worked around them. Motion field is a field placed on an objct that passes through the fluid and makes the fluid react to the object. It's a little unwieldy at times.
I'm still trying to understand the script that is attached to it. It seems too strong. I'll mess around with your sugestions, to see if they are the sripts that effects the fuild's reaction to the field.
Here's what I'm trying...
I have a grid cube of particles in a fluid contaner. The particles are effected by the fuild as a field. I add a sphere and a motion field in the center. As soon as I move the motion field everything goes crazy. the partiles fly down like there's gravity and some fly up like they got smaked really hard by the motion field, but I bearly moved the motion field. I'm hopeing to get a smother/more subtle reaction from the fuild to the particles... I'll try messing with the particles conserve, etc. to see if it's them that are the problem. I'd still like to understand what that scipt is saying.
Like does t say what ever direction in x,y,z move the fluid in that direction proportional to the distance?