Its possible but its slow. Becsue its slow you dont want to use it.
n+x verts so wanted to know if there is any clear explanation for that.
well yes its just stupid to use mel for this but yes its very soimple to do. Just sort the vertices by absolute value, if you remove things thet dont have a corresponding pair then the paidr of every odd number is the the next even number and every even numbers pair is every odd number. Uts just thet the sorting is convoluted because MEL is specifically designed NOT to do this. So the fact that it was hard was a CLUE for not useing mel for it.
basically used for mirroring blend shape
Yes except offcourse maya knows how to mirror a blendshape without you needing to know the corresponding point. This is one of those things where its clear that mel is not a programming language.
What you can do is model the blend on one side of a symmetrical model then make a blendshape Retaining toe original shapes. Then you copy the base shape scale the object by -1 along the symmetry axis take the mesh shape erap the target shape and run the blend target to 1 and bam youve done a mirror on the shape. YOu didnt program any loop at all you were using nodes which is what mel is supposed to do. nSo i can mirror the mesh in 7 or 8 lines of mel if i needed to, and using no loops.
So yes you can do this like they do in "abSymMesh", but it is NOT a very good example on what you should use mel for! Its a 1000 line script for something i can ultimately do in less than 100 lines with far better efficency. See just because somebody did something does not mean it was a sane thing to do.
went through several MEL prog books
Well good luck with that. i have yet to see a single book on maya programming that does even a remotely good job at explaining the idea.