expression, Mel, and Fur
What I want is use animated file sequence to animate the fur. for example I want animate the FurDescription.bcm( BaseColorMap ).
I tried using expresion to setAttr every frame, it's not working when batch render. one of my friends tells me, when batch render, only expresion works, mel command such as setAttr will not execute, I am not sure if it is exactly the case, but apparently setAttr wont works anyway.
After that I tried to use preRenderFrameMel. But again it's not working, and I found out Fur is actually been rendered before preRenderFrameMel execute, but even if fur is rendered before preRenderFrameMel execute, it should still work from the second frame, cuz after the fur in first frame been rendered, the preRenderFrameMel is executed, and the effect of mel should take place in second frame.
Here is the preRenderFrameMel, it's really simple:
setAttr -type "string" furDescription1.bcm ("fileName." + $padding + ".iff");
print ("fileName." + $padding + ".iff");
$padding is a string, and has been precalculated, and has no problem.
Since I printed out the string, so I'm sure the string I try to set is 100% correct. But It's just not working.
So how can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance