I am having some trouble with a part of a script I'm writing that uses a point on poly constraint.
when I do a point on poly constraint, maya outputs this code:
doCreatePointOnPolyConstraintArgList 1 { "0","0","0","1","","1" };
string $constraint[]=`pointOnPolyConstraint -weight 1`;
setAttr ($constraint[0]+".dragonU0") 0.568750;
setAttr ($constraint[0]+".dragonV0") 0.339353;
I kept the code identical, just changed the U and V values from the numbers to float variables with equivalent values.
float $uTest = 0.568750;
float $vTest = 0.339353;
doCreatePointOnPolyConstraintArgList 1 { "0","0","0","1","","1" };
string $constraint[]=`pointOnPolyConstraint -weight 1`;
setAttr ($constraint[0]+".dragonU0") $uTest;
setAttr ($constraint[0]+".dragonV0") $vTest;
I have no idea why it isn't reading the variables as the values they represent. This is very frustrating, any help would be much appreciated.