I am having trouble getting my userSetup to run on startup.
also i suggest fro everyone always to check that theres no other userSetup.mel you are loading with a whatIs userSetup.mel in maya so you KNOW which is the file that is actually running.
I am assuming that "source" is the proper command
source is a directive, but yes it works. Tough you MIGHT want to do the easier thing:
string $ud = `internalVar -uad`;
string $udCurrent = ($ud + "scripts/001_current");
putenv MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH (`getenv MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH`+":"+$udCurrent);
This is to help me to manage versions of scripts
well theres a easier and saner option and thats to use cvs, mercurial*, bazaar or git to do that for you. Thet way you have only one folder but change the contents of that folder instead + this has a big advantage when moving over to other machines, developping scripts, working with many scripters and fixing msitakes. So you really should use a version control software for this, than you can just call the correct label fetch on maya start.
- i use mercurial trough TortoiseHg under both windows and linux