I am looking for a renamer script for editing the filename on shader paths. I have seen a lot of scripts so far for renaming objects and nodes, but none for the file name on the path.
I would also like a radio button at the top for a "Global" (all shaders) or "Selected" shaders.
For Example: you have a lamber shader or blinn, or whatever, any shader. in the Color channel you have a file texture mapped something like this.
I would like a way to edit the filename in the path while keeping the same path, by addign prefix or suffix
prefix = abc
suffix = xyz
also a 'search for' and 'replace with' function.
I would like a way to change "abc_picture.jpg" to "xyz_picture.jpg"
search for "abc" and replace with "xyz".
Hope this all makes sense. thanks for any help anyone can offer.
p.s. Just a side note. I am ONLY looking to edit the filename in the maya shader path, not the actual filename in a folder. I have a windows tool already that easily changes the actual filename. outside of maya.
the image attached shows a generic window layout i am looking for.
thanks again.