Looking good. Some general advice would be to keep a close eye on your polycount. Especially for something that sounds like it could be very large. So keeping in mind as you model your assets, what level of detail you need. Don't over-model, that's a very common mistake beginners make. We all do it. Like your model here, for instance, if it will be only used in the scene from a distance, look for anything to reduce. Extra edges, bevels, etc. Use the heads up display to show your polycount as you work. I have it on all the time. Put detail where it shows. Think of polys as a budget, and as in your bell, there is noticeable faceting around the large round part, yet many faces on the little dot thing at the front. Also several extra faces eating your poly budget by the bevels around the top box. Imagine of you kept your polycount the same in this model, but moved move faces to that outter round part, and less to those other parts. Your overall model would look smoother. Hope this helps!