New to Houdini. Reading tutorials, etc. But this one has me and the instructor stumped.
I've created a simple flat nurbs curve, mirrored, joined, extruded, removed caps, and added a Refine to subdivide the edges along V (first V = 0, sec V = 1, divisions = 3). Finally, I added an Edit node and scaled the middle cv's of the edge division outward to create a rounded edge. Instead of a nice curve developing from top to bottom, we're getting a sharp, faceted "V" shape. We can see no adverse settings in the network to account for this. The effect is the same as if the tangent handles on a bezier curve were make discontinous or "broken."
Any ideas how to get rounded edges on an extruded shape? Round doesn't work. Making a nurbs box with similar divisions and adding Round to it kinda works, but overhead really slows the network down and the two halves of the rounded edges can't be made to join exactly in the middle without the round results going haywire.
Object being made is a Waccom 6 x 9 tablet, so the end result has a thin profile with rounded corners and rounded edges. Rounded corners, no problem... rounded edges... problem. Of course, due to the UV nature of the object, Fillet or Bridge won't work cleanly around the entire edge, thus the reason for trying Refine on a curve extrusion.
Thanks for the quick help.
Dean Scott,