hello all
i am currently doing a uv set exporter script in mel i am stuck at one point and know not getting any idea of how to proceed further pls anyone out there can help me out of this as it is urgently required for my team i am posting the code need everyones reviews on that;
//Creation of a new window
string $window =window -t "UVSetExporter" -width 50 -height 100
//Creation of a layout
string $child1 = formLayout Form1
//Creation of buttons controlls
string $child2 = button -l "Export UVSet" -c "exportUVSet"
string $child3 = button -l "Import UVSet" -c "importUVSet"
//Creation of radio bottons controlls
string $child4 = radioCollection
string $child5 = radioButton -l ".ma" -onCommand "showStatus\"mayaAscii\""$child5
string $child6 = radioButton -l ".mb" -onCommand "showStatus\"mayaBinary\""$child6
//Attachments of controlls to layout
formLayout -e -af $child2 "top" 40 Form1;
formLayout -e -af $child2 "left" 10 Form1;
formLayout -e -af $child3 "top" 40 Form1;
formLayout -e -af $child3 "left" 90 Form1;
formLayout -e -af $child5 "top" 20 Form1;
formLayout -e -af $child5 "left" 30 Form1;
formLayout -e -af $child6 "top" 20 Form1;
formLayout -e -af $child6 "left" 90 Form1;
//Parenting command for the controlls
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
//showing the existing window
showWindow $window;
//Functions for the controlls
proc exportUVSet()
fileBrowserDialog -m 0 -fc "exportUVSet" -ft "mayaAscii,mayaBinary" -an "Export_UVSet" -om "Export";
proc importUVSet()
fileBrowserDialog -m 0 -fc "importUVSet" -ft "mayaAscii,mayaBinary" -an "Import_UVSet" -om "import";
proc showStatus()
file -type "mayaAscii,mayaBinary";