Hey there guys, I'm an animator who is looking for someone to script something for me for free...
The idea is, I would like to be able to change the color of my individual key ticks on the time slider.
I found a way to do it through settings/preferences-> Color settings -> Animation ->adjust Time Slider tick Special color. Select the tangents in the graph editor for the specific keys. Then go into the command line and execute "keyframe -tds on". However I'm only allowed to change the keys to just one color ie.Tick Special color.
I would like to have the ability to color code my different keys for keyframes, breakdowns, inbetweens, etc. etc. In maya there is an option for converting a key to a breakdown, but there's a scaling factor in the keys if any keyframes are adjusted, which I don't want.
So, all I'm asking is for a color swatch of say 8 colors that just by shift selecting the key in the timeslider and then selecting a swatch from the "colorKey" window, will change the key's color. Presto! a clean animation production!
If anyone could write this out it would be greatly appreciated, but not only by me, but all of the other animators out there who sometimes no matter how good they are get lost in the polishing stages...
Thank you for your time, Keith Sizemore