Does anyone know anything about how the Playstation commercial directed by Chris Cunningham was created on Flame? I am curious to find out what techniques were used to track and morph the head. Here is a link to the Quicktime MPG of the commercial.
Any help/comments will be appreciated. Thanks!
I am curious to find out what techniques were used to track and morph the head.
The tracking and mesh warp features in Flame were used.. not a very exciting answer is it
Just curious, but where did you find that info? I've searched high and low. Are you speaking from experience and can tell just by looking at it? Or do you know for a fact that's what they used? I'm assuming you mean 3D tracking for the head?
I read about it when that commercial was new. The Flame does not do 3d tracking.. you would only need 2d tracking for this effect anyway.
So 7 months to followup.. edit your prefs so that you are emailed responses to your posts
No, my prefs are set. Just still pondering it. And quite busy in between... heh.
It does now, 3d tracking is fairly new in flame though.
Figures... it's been awhile since I was around one.