hey, thanks for the great reply!
my script is a really simple one, wont be too time consuming, especially that i decided to modify it a bit.
it will do like this:
it will loop through some objects and check each if it intersects with one specific object.
MY PROBLEM NOW IS (and i would be really happy if you could answer):
can i tell maya "if a warning message appeared > do this, else blabla"
or must i check if there is a locator selected after the intersection command? 'cause it makes locators and i think it also selects them or just the last one. what command could i use to ask the name of the selected object. or if i clear the selection before, i must just ask if ANYTHING is selected, but i still don't know how to do it
help would be very appreciated,
and thanks again to joojaa for answering this sort-of ambiguous question
if i have 2 points on a wavy curve, and i want to find out the coordonates of the point that is at the same curve length from the other 2, and sits on the curve, what could i do?