Hi~ I hope am not in a wrong board
MGtools 2.5 is a toolkit makes maya animator's life much much easier.
There are tons of useful features built-in. And none of them use custom nodes.
Check out this quick features demo, I promiss you may find something you have been looking for :
Here is the hotfile link of HD version:
MainFeature list:
AnimRescue: Realtime backup your animation without slowing down foeground performance.
Get your animation back after any Maya/Windows/Computer accident,
(except hard disk accident, of course )
Supports: Maya 8.5~2012
MG-AutoSave: autosave your scene after a certain amount of time.
Almost the same as autosave in Maya 2011.
Support: Maya7.0~2012
Cam2Dviewer: navigates camera view in 2D manner. Pan/zoom/rotate 3D in 2D way.
GE-Plugin: A UI plugin in GraphEditor, does channel filtering, keyValue resetting/Alignning
Curve AutoSmoothing, making BD/Extreme pose,etc
Animation transferring:
MG-animationLibrary: build up your own animation library and reuse it.
CopyPastePro: copy & paste animation & pose between different mayas.
MG-SelectionManaer: transfer animation from one rig to another.
DB-Manager: Build up your own asset information database and reuse them really quick.
The database could be shared, this helps asset guys publish there works and layout artist/animatiors use them quickly.
Snapping tools: lots of types of snapping. Motion snapping helps to deal with issue such as feet sliding.
PathTracker: Draw motion path curve for you. The curve will be stay still and clear even the camera is in motion. No need to playback scenes to make a update.
Selection tools:
MG-selectionSet: build up your own selection set library and reuse it.
MG-Selection Manager: asssistant for quick selection. Transfer selection between rigs.
TypeSelector: select objects base on certain conditions as well as maya types.
Backup & restore selection with scene.
MG-ChannelBox: a channelBox specialized for animators. helps to make keyframe process easier and faster.
Constraint Tools:
Vertex Constraint & UV constraint: constrain object in Model surface.
AnimConstraint: provide extra hierarchy beside a constrant.
Transfer constraint between different scene.
MG-Shelf: a floating shelf collector.
Miscellaneous Switch:
viewSwitch: switch viewport config between 2-3 customizable configs.
smoothSwitch: managing polysmooth in your scene.
camSwitch: switch viewport camera. configable.
attribute switch: switch attributes without any popping. such as follow body attribute.
Folder & File shorcut: quicky access to some dir ,as well as programs, files.
Pivot Tool: animating object pivot in animation phase.
Keyframe tool: lots of tools dealing with keyframes.
Make it sticky: make object sticky in viewport ,such as facial panel.
Make sticky view: make a watcher viewport to some part of a charactor.
MGtimer: a timer , convertor in many framerates. it is a calcuator ,too.
MB-MA convertor: converts current maya scene between MB and MA format by force.
Super undo/redo tool: helps you undo or redo some operation really quick.
Reloator tool: you can relocate multiple objects with a sigle tempornary hierarchy.Result in keyframes.
Insert hierarchy tool: inserts unlimited numbers of hierarchies between current selection and its parent hierarchy.
Reference tool: be able to transfer reference information between different maya scenes. sometime it is more straight forward to manage reference via scene selection, by using this tools.
If you are interested, visit http://www.creativecrash.com/maya/marketplace/scripts-plugins/animation/c/maya-animator-kit-mgtools-v2-0-pro to know more
Hope you enjoy it !