as atestament to the smartness of this setting i usualy set my override to, any other tesselation methods besides spatial fine are stupid to use.
length 0.5-2
sharp 0-0.85
minsub 0
maxsub 5-6
read maya manual under http://localhost:4446/Maya6.0/en\_US/RefGui....html#SECTION85 for:
Fine Approximations3.1
Standard approximations as described in the previous section work under the assumption that as few triangles as possible should be used to approximate a surface to achieve a user-defined quality. mental ray 3.1 also supports a new approximation mode called fine approximation, which addresses the problem from a different angle: it is capable of efficiently expending very large numbers of triangles to faithfully approximate even very complex surfaces, especially displaced surfaces, without excessive memory consumption.
This is done by reducing the granularity of mental ray's cache manager. In mental ray 3.0, it operated on entire objects, which could become very large when tessellated. mental ray 3.1 applies cache management to smaller units formed by splitting objects into smaller sets, which can be individually tessellated without excessive memory requirements. This is especially useful for extremely detailed displacement maps.
ine general on optimizing renders or other mentalray issues refeer to:
Wich is HIDDEN pretty well in the maya manual