so we discovered a kind of a solution for this issue (sorry jooja im a n00b at maya, and have nfi how to use the SamplerInfo node).
so what we've done (well, my colleague m@b has done), for anyone interested, is attach the WorldMatrix of a locator to the WorldMatrix of the lightinfo node.
We then point-constrained the locator to each camera, and set the weight to 0 for each constraint.
Then we can run a -preRender MEL command like "setAttr "treeLODdist_pointConstraint.cam_cameraW2" 1" to control which camera is affecting the texture.
Jooja, ill try and explain the puropose: We have avery large scene with a pretty terrible aerial image draped over some terrain. The aerial looks good from up high, but is horribly pixelated/blurry at close inspection. So we want to use the lightinfo node and a setrange to drive a ramp going inot the alpha of a layered texture which has the aerial at one extreme and a nice grass texture at the other. That way we can use the setrange to say, tell it to fade the aerial to a grassy texture from 400m to 800m away. I hope that make sense. Our problem is we have multiple cameras and want to link the lightinfo to the current camera without having to save off different files.
Im still pretty keen to hear how this sampler info node could be ised in a similar fashion.