A simple way is to create a fluids pond, but the ocean is better for rendering:
Create an ocean and create a wake for the ocean. Now delete the large circular nurbs plane and create a plane at the water surface of the pool. Assign the ocean shader to this plane and increase its tessellation values to a sufficient level. Create an ocean preview plane and scale and position it to the pool surface, increasing its resolution to better preview the pool. The ocean shader has procedural waves, in addition to the dynamic ones generated by the wake fluid. You can look at only the dynamic ones if desired by making the num frequencies = 0 on the ocean shader. Scale the wake to fit the pool surface then turn off edgeDropoff on the wake fluid. Also make the boundaries closed on the wake fluid so that waves reflect off of the pool edges.
Note that if the pool is not square it is better to adjust the size attribute on the fluid rather than making the transform non-proportionately scaled. Also adjust the resolution so it is proportional to the size value. (this keeps the fluid voxels square)