No, I'm actually from South Florida, But I was in Niagra Falls about 2 months ago......It was very cold for me, but the snow was a cool sight for a floridian! I'm debating weather on not to buy this type of monitor, I might be gettin an old job back at a studio I was at in California, and if that's the case, I'll need every penny for moving expenses and other little things....Maybe if I get back out thee I could try to convince the studio to pick me up one for use there, 12 hours of staring at thier old crt's really would give me headaches almost everyday.....That's another thing I wonder about, If you have a good health insurance plan, Can you get them to pay for something like that monitor??? It's actually better for your HEALTH to look at one of them all day instead of a crt...! That would be really Cool...