A simple solution that has worked for me, install "particleHWShader.mel"...I can email it to you if it is not on Highend3D.
Run script, then type in your camera name, partilce name, and choose "Depth with Focus" for R G B channels. A locator is created, and your HW particles are now pure white at the locator center and fall off to black. Adjust the fall off distance by selecting the new locator and changing the Focus Max Distance.
Now make the locator follow your camera and animated DOF.
Depending on how you animated your SW DOF (with a camera rig or using a standard maya camera), you can constrain the locator to your camera (you might need to group the locator first and then constrain the group, this way you can shift the locator position inside the group and/or make an expression to match the animated DOF distance.
Now HW render particles over black...Import into AfterEffects, use the compound blur effect, select invert, name these HW images as the source for the blur.
Since I have my camera DOF animated through a Distance Tool with the 2 locators one parented to the camera and the other driving the distance, I've parented the new created locator with my focus distance locator. That seems to be very comfortable... but:
I've also a Multiply/Divide node, since my camera is scaled down, to accord the two values for Focus Distance (the real distance and the value needed for dof).
So I have to pass the three attertibutes used in the expressions (FocusDecayRate, FocusMaxDist and FocusRange) throgh others Multiply/Divide nodes to preserve proportions too? I've done so.
But but but the main problem that I have is that my particle object is scaled down! It isn't truly scaled (the bounding box is the same) but the opacity seems to cut out it. And there's no data on the opacity!!!
I'm going _mad_ #_#