Hi there~ I found that in Maya 2011 ,the default cursors support transparency. Kind like that cursor is using a png file? But MCursor seems not support png file as a cursor image.
Is there a way to do that in api? Thanks beforehand.
No but qt does.
OTOH all cool stuff costs you in time used and rendered.
Hmm. So am not able to use my custom png cursor. Thanks anyway.
Yes you are if your using maya 2010 or up. Tiugh in reality if you want this you can do it with c but it perhaps better if you d not mess with this, its very littel benefit for a lot of work.
Mcursor only provide a few default cursors for you to choose. What I want is only to use other cursor that Maya 2011 use. Such as the cursor use in Zoom tool. Is there a way to do so ?