I am using fusion 5.1 , and i have problems importing 3d cam.
From XSI 6.0, exported as .fbx, i can see the mesh, light, and a '' working '' cam that contains keyframe information ...
everything looks ok untill i map a plane exactly on the mesh, and realise that it slides ...
same problem when i export from boujou3 as a fbx ....
the closest i got was with boujou4 , exporting as a fusion scene, then i got a cam that was doing the right motion, BUT stiil have problem with the scaling of the scene ....
i place my plane according to the locators, and when i look in the cam , objects that are suppose to take 70% of the screen area are using lower than 10% .....
is there a scaling ratio to apply ? does anybody has already encountered any similar problems,
or maybe somebody did it succesfully and might have a receipe to share ?
i woul really like to be able to import fbx from xsi without pain and insomnia
thank you for the help