Hey all
I am looking for a max viewport x y / x y screen location export script.
I have found the The Illusion x y exporter how ever the x data is inverted, being that the image that is to be locked to y location of an object in the 3d render, when one goes up the other down and visa versa... the y data is fine..
I am sure that there is a simple x y viewport exporter for max that is not application specific...
This is what comes out of Max -> Illusion exporter
0 395.913 213.27
1 403.79 213.189
2 410.275 214.226
3 416.128 216.421
4 421.614 219.821
5 426.863 224.472
6 431.95 230.423
7 436.924 237.729
8 441.818 246.444
9 446.656 256.63
10 451.455 268.349
11 456.229 281.669
12 460.989 296.664
13 465.744 313.409
14 470.501 331.988
15 475.266 352.49
16 480.042 375.008
I have created a converter for the output of the Max -> Illusion exporter so that I can plug it into a shake Move2D node.
so I guess the questions are..
_1 is there a simple view port x,y exporter for max that spits out a similar syntax as above.
_2 is the some one out there that can give me a tip on the maths to invert these numbers or is that the wrong thinking..