dont mean maya couldnt do with a n overhaul in how it looks. Im just overly critical.
I'm not saying anything about the UI redesign, current one works for me well enough, but hey, if it can be made even better I don't mind at all. 
Yes but if you use color coding just to signify grouping then you could use other not so visualy offensive methods too. Its usualy a good thing to keep the ui as visualy in-offensive as possible.
Well, I'm not quite following the reasoning why using colors is offensive. You just say they are and speak about how they have different meanings in different cultures when that is not the point in typical use of colors in visualization (something that UI is, among other things of course). Again, I totally agree with the idea that UI should be in-offensive.
Now, given examples from Mayas "Select by component" which turns to orange once you have incomplete subset. Is this done badly to your taste? How would it be made better without using color? Or identifying selected vertices on a mesh in viewports? Or How about XSIs keyframes (though I also have mixed feelings about this)? Or function curves? What would be a better way to do it?
I am sure there can be better ways, but why don't you give an example?
Also color coding dont need to be a big red or yellow slab adding a small blue red or green icon color sceheme is enough to keep it coherrent. The status line sortof tries this but in my oppinion fails due to the blue clolor in curve snap.
I was not speaking for the given example. So, with this I'm not giving any opinions about the matter. And even now you're speaking positively about color coding even if it's the mother of all evil?
Yes but asuming 5-15 then it be better to use something closer to 5 because of this.
Well, given that I have seen cases where one gets away with as many as 12, I would say it's really hard to give fixed rules, don't you think? Without actually knowing the exact use and situation?
And yes ive read the same book. Others too. But naminga a color and remebering it is a different thing... However humans are quite good at dicerning differences between 2 colors, if they are adjacent to each other.
I totally agree with this one too, my bad with english (naming <> remembering). Thought you ment naming.
But the bottom line is that color coding in fact is worse than most of us care to think.
Given the examples before, I would say quite the opposite. Just that many don't seem to understand the extent of color coding / use of colors.
Remeber the ui is something we stare all day long. One reason why gray and blue would be ideal.
Oh, I do remember that, worry not. And I'm not questioning greys and blues, in fact I don't recall saying anything about specific colors.
But yeah you could use some 128 or more hues of a color if theres a way to compare it! especilay if it was something where you need just dicern change from the neibour.
And those are used, in medical images for example. But, on UI, I can't think that very practical. Could be wrong though, and who know, there might be a special case in which it makes perfect sense.
Be a bit carefull with color, we know a lot about how to do it bad but quite little on how to do it good. I mean a red cancel and green ok doesnt realy that much impact usability. Just adds clutter.
Well, I'm not sure if you refer to my post or in the original redesign. But, again this is an example of colors that have meaning and, yes, clutter. But there are many good uses too, even in maya, not to mention many other programs. And, it's not only limited to computers, we have subway system maps (like in London) that makes extensive uses of color, and quite well in my opinion.
Oh and by the way the default maya uses something around 5-15 color codes all the time. So adding to the list isnt going to help. Buyt yeah they are a bit subtle. Maybe the coding could be made more coherrent!
I'm not talking about adding anything to this list! I'm just saying that there is a place and use for color coding in _some_ cases. That color coding in general is not automaticly a bad idea. And I am not saying Maya doesn't use color coding, in fact you're right that it does, which in my opinion says 2 cents about how they (developers) have seen the importance of it.