what was I thinking - you don't need to use volume shaders. The effect can easily be achieved using a "Constant" material shader plugged into the group's surface and shadow ports. The additive color can be created by setting transparency to 0.5 (give or take a bit), and activating "incandescense" by defining a color and boosting it's strength to 0.5 or so. Where the cubes overlap, the color will additively mixed just like in a compositor.
Also, make sure that the ray depth values for reflection, refraction, and sum are increased from their default values of 2, 2, and 4 respectively to something more useful like 10 or more. Otherwise when more than 2 cubes overlap, the transparency won't be accomodated for beyond the 2nd overlapping cube. If you are rendering only cubes, then there won't be any noticeable speed hit.
As for the 2nd question: Yes you can isolate materials from various sources, but you can only have one phenomena open in the rendertree at any given time. Basically, you put all the materials on the group at the same time then use color mixers to activate/deactivate the colors your interested in using.
It's a bit tricky, but you'll need something like the raytype node and a few mixers to pull this off. Essentially, you'll have to sample and query the type of ray hitting the surface of the object and be able to match the various raytypes to the materials. Once you get your answer, you can use the mixers to turn one material on and the others off for every sampled pixel in the image.
If a shader were available to query the object's tag labe, you would be able to use that to identify objects as well....or at least find out if the currently sampled triangle belongs to an object you're currently querying. Tags change from frame to frame even for the same object. So any comparisons would have to be relative and not absolute (eg: compare tags between sample and object, not sample and fixed tag id number).
Matt Lind
Animator / Technical Director
Softimage certified instructor: