hehe, i wish he had ... Ive been working all day on it, and i only have one computer
although i would love to have lots, ive got a theory wich goes that wich each computer you get yourself the trouble you get gets multiplied by 4 .. Well anyways, yes youre right, he could render at night and stuff, but for the render of the animations later ill get to use the computer at school. Theyre a little faster on rendering anyways. And yea, i know they work when youre not on em
they did that before so i suppose they wont cut that service now !
Erm, im sorry, i cant really keep up with your maths here, im pretty new to maya, and in this case i dont even now if i have ao samples, ive got a physical sun and sky, because it looks nice for the test renders, does that come with Ambient occlusion integrated ? And for the last image i had the aa samples on 2 and 2 . But like i said, im NOT into this rendering stuff yet, the things we did in school didnt need such techniques. But as soon as i get into texturing i will definitely get myself into rendering with Mental Ray. Just now i didnt have the time. What is occlusion f ? what stands the f for ? i now what ambient occlusion is, but occlusion f ? about wich value are you talking ?
Although i didnt get it all, thanks for youre help
Theres not much happening here in the wip section of the students or is it ?
Regards \TekniX