I've a .pic file which has alpha channel. How do i apply to an object so that the object can show the white area(alpha channel white area), and the black area tobe transparent. I should put that in more detail. My .pic file is for hair texture. The RGB channels are the actual hair color. And i add an alpha channel to that so that it can look more like hair cutting edge insteal of a flat piece of picture. In SI3D, i will make the object metarial totally transparent, and when i add the .pic to that object, at the texture window, i switch it to "alpha channel" at map component, and i will adjust the transparency slider to -1. so that the white area on my alpha chanel will show, and the black area will not. That is how I do it in SI 3D. This is what i want to do the same in XSI, however, i 've try pretty much everything. Any idea?