but that would be really good if this essential functionality is under preferences window.
Well actually you should be able to do this without a script. I just prefeer a script since it gives me more control.
This is what you do:
- make empty maya scene, set the viewports as you like save this.
- open file -> new optionbox (yeah this is where the pref is)
- enable default scene find the file you saved.
This just doesn't remember layout settings as they get cleared.
so the mechanism is there its not just working. Its just that asking for brain dead simple things like this don't work in very business oriented software companies. Reason is that its really hard to justify the cost of doing the changes. So what you have is:
A: programmers that don't see a startup script as a problem
B: sales drones that cant justify the need for the feature change
C: managers who cant justify the cost
In the end you need to convince a programmer to do this as some side hobby. This is one of the reasons why some companies reserve 1/x of the time for free stuff that the programmer can do without his boss having a say so. Its an attempt to alleviate the problem. It just doesn't work out perfectly since the time gets you credits in bosses eyes anyway so you should use it to something the bosses like if you want to advance.
But yeah we could script this into the prefs.
PS: I dont putta all viewports to shaded, i find that orthographic views work better in wireframe mode. I just put the presp views to shaded. But then i do a lot fo fother stuff at startup too, such as change the shelves etc etc.