Here is a piece that I did in photoshop with my crappy pad and stylus. A piece like this would normally take me a day to push out with natural media but since I was really trying to learn how to use Photoshop to paint on my computer it took over a week. It was worth it though because I learned so much about PS and how many cool things you can do so quickly. Just trying to figure out how to do all that took me forever.
I'm a full time artist and I would like to transition from the commisions I do to full time Film production plates so any advice would be really helpful. I know if I bought a cintique and really took the time out to learn the techniques of Painter, I could push out film plates in a couple of hours.
I'm aware that I would need to be constraint to 2.35 aspect ratio but that doesn't bother me.
I hope you like this, I welcome any critique good or bad.
Thank you,