I'm trying to improve my workflow with the trax editor and have few q's. Superhappy if anyone can help me with any of these, but whatever info you have on the differences between story mode (mobu) and Trax editor, or the trax editor in general, it's much appreciated. Also tips on free tools!!
Is it always required to bake down all animation layers to the Base layer in order to to be able to get all animation into the trax editor?
Bugs(?): if i go back and forth between trax and timeline a few times, the keys will disappear from my timeline in the animation layers (i will still be able to edit every layer in the curveeditor, but the visual keys in the additional layers actual timelines are gone. Base layer keys are still visible in timeline though.
As soon as I set the Character set to None, the keys reappear. Basically; regardless if I have character set or not selected, I can edit the curves, but not see the keys in the timeline when it's set to none.
In autodesk manual it's said that char-set is required for trax edit, but it rather seem like the other way around (at least not a requrement)?
Ghosting doesn't seem to work, I can move the tracks around (rotate etc) but there is no visual representation of the skeletons in the different clips.
Is the Visor the equivalent of "Takes" in mobu?
Instead of only asking about specifics i'll also add my goals in case there are other ways to reach them
- I would like to always preserve my anim layers but still work with anim clips of said anim in trax editor
- I would like to be able to have multiple "takes" in one file with ease of use (like motion builder)
- I would like to be able to paste poses in a anim layer (like motion builder)
Thank you for reading this slightly incoherent text