Hi all, I'm trying to render .mi2 file from behavior with ray3.exe, if I export the .mi2 from XSI everything works well (thre is rendered image).
Now I'm trying to render .mi2 file that is exported trough behavior "StartCapture" function...
When I start ray3.exe with verbose on, there are alot of API 0.0 warnings and black image at the end.
It's strange because mental ray can't find functions that in other case (when mi2 file is exported from XSI) are passed and rendered. Here is part of verbose:
E:\Mental\Output>ray3 -verbose on out.3.mi2
MAIN .0 info : mental ray, version
MAIN .0 info : use -copyright option to view copyright and terms of use.
MAIN .0 progr: using 2 sharable licenses
MAIN 0.0 info : version, 07 Sep 2005
MI 0.0 progr: reading startup file "E:\programs\xsi5.0\XSI_5.0\Application\rsrc/ray3rc"
MI 0.0 progr: parsing file E:\programs\xsi5.0\XSI_5.0\Application\rsrc/ray3rc
MSG 0.0 info : reading hosts file C:\Documents and Settings\dick\Softimage\XSI_5.0.ray3hosts
MI 0.0 progr: parsing file out.3.mi2
LINK 0.0 progr: module #1 (E:\programs\xsi5.0\XSI_5.0\Application\bin/nt-x86-vc71/../subdivision.dll) loaded
LINK 0.0 progr: module #2 (E:\programs\xsi5.0\XSI_5.0\Application\bin/nt-x86-vc71/sibase.dll) loaded
LINK 0.0 progr: module #3 (E:\programs\xsi5.0\XSI_5.0\Application\bin/nt-x86-vc71/legacy.dll) loaded
LINK 0.0 progr: module #4 (E:\programs\xsi5.0\XSI_5.0\Application\bin/nt-x86-vc71/behshader.dll) loaded
LINK 0.0 progr: module #5 (E:\programs\xsi5.0\XSI_5.0\Application\bin/nt-x86-vc71/base.dll) loaded
API 0.0 warn 302039: out.3.mi2, line 9949: while defining object "__C3DInstancePrimitive__": redefinition of object "__C3DInstancePrimitive__"
API 0.0 warn 302005: out.3.mi2, line 10620: while defining declaration "sib_scalar_to_color": ignoring redeclaration of function sib_scalar_to_color.....................
the mi2 files are using same lib declarations at the begining.
it looks like mental ray looses connection to all of his functions, but even after these errors from the same command prompt and the same path I'm starting render of some other scene that uses the same functions and it is rendering without these warnings. So I can't figure whats going on, where is the problem? In Behavior everything looks fine, no errors, all the processes are going smoothly, I just can't renderout my behavior project. I've tryed with the tutorial for rendering pipeline in Behavior, but there is the same result.
Any help will be great 
With Regards
Nikolai Atanasov