Well, normally maya users would hit space. But yes its possible but a bit more convoluted than comfortable.
See maya works on a different assumption than MAX. In Maya a viewport is always tied to a camera, in max they are not. In max each viewport is separate. While maya has default bookmarks that can be set with:
viewSet -bottom (modelEditor("-q", "-camera", `getPanel -withFocus`));
It doesn't do what you want. It actually manipulates the camera attached to the view port. So if you do this on view port with a custom camera that's meant to render, than bang you lost the camera. There's really no reasonable way to mimic the same as in max. So in short it will never work like max.
PS: in general don't try to use Maya like MAX. Or in general one application like a other. Because iit will only make you very unhappy*. Its a waste of time. On the other hand if you try to use maya like maya and MAX like MAX you'll be much better off.
PPS: also you by mapping the same hotkeys as max you would loose 3 of mayas most used hotkeys. Since maya has a much more well thought hotkey usage than max had when I last used it its wasteful to the extreme. For example F is one of the most used maya horkeys as focuses the view to your selection. R is a shortcut for rotate etc...
- people who do this are common and they have a very negative on look on life. They are also the ones that get obsolete.