Hi All,
I've had a quick look through the forum so hopefully this isn't a repost,
Here's my problem:
I'm creating a coloured liquid from nParticles, the particle speed effects the incandesence so I converted the nParticles to a mesh.
Then I used the color set editor and a mentalRayVertexColor node to pipe the particle incandescence to the blinn incandescence.
When I render in the render view it looks exactly the way I expected. Happy days,
I wanted to render with mental ray so I could split the incandesence from the diffue and re-comp them later, however when I batch render the incandescence pass is rendered without any colour...
I'm rendering without any indirect light, to a 32bit EXR.
here is the render view
here is the batch Render
I hope this all makes sense, any suggestions as to what is causing this or how to fix would be most welcome.
Thanks in advance