Well after alot of bugging from a few a few peeps I finally decide to texture my dreadnought, this is my first serious attempt at texturing.
I did have some techniques in texturing that I still need to practice, but for the most part the dreadnought is textured.

TEXTURING - Well, it's been a long time in the making, I have to say, I hate UV mapping, but I did like painting the model though, it's not perfect but not bad for my first serious attempt at texturing.
METAL - Although the metal looks nice and clean, I'm not happy with it, it's too reflective and I'm not sure how to mess around with the ramp node to get it right. Also I might add a different metal for the gun barrels, I want them a dark black metal colour like real weapons.
SCRATCHED PAINT - Not too happy with the scratched paint. Basically I had a base grey colour, then the base red paint colour. In photoshop I cut holes in the red paint and gave it a dro shadow. I did also give it a bevel but it looked too deep even at low settings.
SPECULAR - I left out the specular mapping, when I did it, I followed the Simply Maya Mech tut, but my specular maps looked horrible, you could blatantly see them on the model so I removed them. Some more practice needed there I think.
Other than that I pretty much like it. Any comments crits n tips would be appreciated.
Next step.......... Rigging :jump