400) {this.resized=true; this.width=400; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onmouseover="if(this.resized) this.style.cursor='hand';" onclick="if(this.resized) {window.open('http://www.kirov.ru/~tivan/xsi/Region.jpg');}" />
This picture show a ball with blured environmetn reflection on it. This reflection look blur only if direct viewed in camera. If i place simpe transparent cube infront of the ball... ...no blur. Is it a bug? Render Tree and shader parameters are:
400) {this.resized=true; this.width=400; this.alt='Click here to open new window';}" onmouseover="if(this.resized) this.style.cursor='hand';" onclick="if(this.resized) {window.open('http://www.kirov.ru/~tivan/xsi/for_Region.jpg');}" />

  • created

    Dec '05
  • last reply

    Mar '06
  • 1


  • 4.3k


  • 1


2 months later


since you are using glossy reflections use a "reflection_diffuse" node.
(Rendertree>nodes>Raytracing>reflection diffuse)
plug the phong into the input of the reflection diffuse.
turn off the reflection inside the phong node and turn them on in reflection diffuse.
adjust gloss, increase depth parameter.

p.s. the same applies to frost in transparency > refraction_diffuse