Way too long, gets boring.
- Dime a dozen. (everybody has one, and makes one) Hard area to compete.
- Is already built into maya, but yeah sure. Not the best ive seen, not the worst tough.
- Most likely any studio out there already has a render management software. Those already do this. Besides this is by far your weakest tool.
The greatest problem is your not actually showcasing the tools to their best benefit. See guis are not actually all that exciting to watch. Besides GUI design is about serious usability testing. Usability testing is hard, you haven't done this.
Don't show stuff that's trivial, like sending mail. Mail is easiest thing out there, ftp, sftp also. Instead try to show actual benefit in workflow terms. Technology itself is pretty uninteresting for most people, now the mail needs to be explained as a productivity tool*. Try not to fall into the trap where you feel all your stuff is great because you spent much time on it. Show short and go to the point. Try to showcase the benefits NOT the technical features. Show benefits to workflow, that is the kind of stuff that impresses managers. Managers want popele with good grasp of their reality**.
Try to show some in Maya/comp productivity tools. They are more impressive.
* so, say a client approval portal is a better thing to show.
** Even if they would be wrong