Hi there! Is there a way to change the namespace used by a referenced file without removing the reference and referencing it again? We have a lot of scenes that have references in them. We want to change the namespaces that were used coz they were long and replace them with shorter ones. I tried using the file command's loadreference option but it does not accept the namespace as a co-option. Are there other ways to do this? Thanks
Most elegant:Save the scene file as *.ma, open it in text editor, search for all referencing file commands ( they are usually at the begining of the file ) and change the string argument of -ns flag.
most elegant indeed!! thank you my friend:o)
For what it's worth:In Maya 6.5 you can use the "file -e -namespace" command (or a new text field in the Reference Editor) to change the namespace of a given reference.
Great advise! You saved my sanity!
Meanwhile there is a simple option to show or not to show namespaces in the Outliner of Maya2017. Just check the outliner options…