I simply want my composited render to look exactly like my beauty render but when overlaying the 2 final pictures on top of each other in After Effects, there is always a slight difference. As for my composited layers, it’s super simple consisting of one scene render of my foreground 3D objects with mia_sky “use background” checked ON and no texture plugged so the backgrounds is pure black and another render of my mia_sky background with all the rest hidden. I have “pre-multiply” checked on in the render globals and when importing to After Effects I check “premultiplied with black” in the import footage settings. I don’t understand why I don’t get the exact same result as my beauty render. What am I doing wrong?
Here is a link to the project so if you check the EXR renders in the image folder, and composite them you should see the difference. I also attache an After Effects projects in the same folder where comp1 shows the difference between the 2 results (comp2 is the background and foreground combined together):