Hi, I'm dealing doing an intro animation and have been struggling with preparations for the rendering.
I started out texturing my objects via developing shader networks within maya. Although I quickly gave up on achieving the asphalt look i was looking for (and used the current texture you see), the center piece came out pretty nicely using shading networks only.
Now I'm trying to bake the shading network to a raster texture and move on with lighting rendering and special effects, but I'm coming up to a dead end doing so.
Convert to file texture does a good job trasnferring the overall texture and bump, but It somehow fails to capture the fine colourful noise going in in the first screenshot. Without it, it doesn't look too well as you see.
Now I've gone and baked it roughly 30 times each trying some variation or adjusting the textures within maya (values, contrasts, etc.) but nothing comes even close to the result I want.
Why I can't just use the original shader: I did a good job grouping and parenting all the 3D placement nodes with the GEO, so that the texture stays with the object. However, possibly of my own lack of understanding 3D textures, the result comes out animated withing each different frame. I obviosly can't use what I made for anything but still shots and tests, and, It also saves me roughly 20 - 30 seconds on rendering the frame with preview mode and final gather off (so yeah, It's a big deal for my laptop.)
Any advice will be much appreciated. I leave the baked maps bellow, if someone can make use of them.