hi all,
so i'm having an issue while trying to create a new node via maya/ python api that takes an input of a mesh and an out of a mesh (i.e. a simple through-put)...while in the node, it creates a new colorSet on the mesh. what could i be doing wrong with creating the colorSet? getting/ creating the wrong MFnMesh?
thanx in advance!
ps, i've also posted this and a complete dummy node for testing help on the googlePythonAPI forum:
# get in
inMeshHnd = dataBlock.inputValue( myNode.inputGeometry ) # takes a mesh input
inMeshData = inMeshHnd.asMesh()
# get out
outMeshHnd = dataBlock.outputValue( myNode.outputGeometry ) # has a mesh output
# copy in to out
meshDataFn = OpenMaya.MFnMeshData()
newMeshData = meshDataFn.create()
inMeshFn = OpenMaya.MFnMesh( inMeshData )
inMeshFn.copy( inMeshData, newMeshData )
# create colorSet on mesh
colorSetNameString = "myNewColorSet"
inMeshFn.createColorSetWithName( colorSetNameString )
# output
outMeshHnd.setMObject( newMeshData )