I agree about premature optimization, but I think the setup I initally had (having a huge field of rocks
when only a small section was visible on any given frame) was just hugely inefficient for this case..
Yes this is something that pops up a lot. Experts, in general, spend s lot of time thinking on things that don't necessarily affect so much on the outcome. I'm not saying in never happens but quite often it does not. Sometimes you err on side of caution sometimes that's just stupid.
However our brain will nearly always justify even the most superfluous thought. So being honest about the need for something is really hard or next to impossible, because we carry a reality distortion field with us. (yeah, mine is gigantic. still nothing compared to some of the biggest agitators in history)
the way copy sop handles instancing, perchance?
Well the thing is in Houdini they can (can does not mean they have to) be copies in Maya not really. So if you do copies in Maya your very, very deliberately shooting yourself in the foot in Houdini you might not be. I'm not saying Houdini users in general do this. Just that quite many users work in magic land. They follow procedures and processes that have served them right. But that's not the same thing as doing right. Again our reality distortion at play.
I teach at a technical university, and quite often people who don't know anything seem to think they do. Knowing your limitations is the 3 rd stage of learning. People with less than 5-10 years of experience in a subject often fall into stage 2 (delusions of grandeur).
Its only after you realize your limitations that you get to a stage where you can objectively look at your own work. The alternative is to become a pessimist.