Q: if you have another computer setup as a slave to your initial work machine. Will the slave also help render the "render region" previews as you work?
There are 2 conditions for this work:
That the other machine is listed in the rayhost file (read the rendering manual for setting up this);
That you have a mental ray license on that machine (don't remember wich rendering package allows you to do that).
Hope this helpsSalutations - CheersBernard Lebel
there is a great whitepaper on softimage.comit cleared up all my confusion in the net rendering area.
sadly it means that we need to buy batch or batchuniversal to indulge in distributed renders.the interactive version of mentalray included with xsi, is not available to contribute to the distributed render.
I think thats it.but read the white paper yourself.http://www.softimage.com/products/xsi/v2/w...ren/default.htm_sam
hi i have set up that file and i see in the tasks on slave computers that the cpu is being used in the render region. I can utilize every pc thats in the workgroup and thats listed in that .bat file on port 7003the problem is that everyting works fine with geometry but as soon as i start rendering particles or hair the workstation gives access violation error in xsi and the xsi crashes.Does anybody know whats going wrong ?
to be specific here is the error that i see in the script log editr
INFO: PHEN 1.0 fatal 051500: interrupted by exception code 0xc000005 (access violation)
If you are using the current version of XSI 3.0 then it's a bug. At the moment particles will not distribute render. I talked to the guys at Soft. They are working on it and say that a fix should be out very soon.