Hi all,
I'm currently working on a character which needs facial animations that will be shown into a game engine ( more likely Unreal Engine 4 )
I'm used to work with Softimage Facerobot and from there I build the rig and export the baked skeletal animation to the engine and it works perfectly.
I bought the NoorVFX facial rig for Maya and I'm currently using Faceware tech for the facial animation itself.
What I would like to know more about is regarding corrective shapes/blend shapes to be integrated into my rig...I'll explain better:
I'm used to tweak the geometry of my character face inside Facerobot, basically once a pose is set I'm literally tweaking the geometry at vertex level, so that when the pose is applied I get the desired ( tweaked ) expression.
In Maya Blend shapes could help me to achieve this result, should I use corrective shapes ( quite painfull as far as I can see ) or is there another method to do something like this?
Considering that those deformations needs to be store into my mesh itself and driven by the bones position, since game engines read data only from bone driven key ( except if you use only blend shapes for animations )
I'm quite new to Maya so any good advice is welcome