Hi. Is there a way in maya to automatically switch file image name suffixes or prefixes depending on situation.
Say, I have the few file nodes connected to a shader: for roughness, albedo, height, normal etc. The files themselves have their own naming convention: brick_height, brick_albedo, brick_roughness etc.
It could be usefull to change only one texture at a time, when the other file nodes take common part of filepath and replace only one particular part of it.
Leave "C:\textures\bricks\brick_***.exr" and change only symbols in *** part with a albedo,roughness etc.
I have simple expression
string $A=`getAttr -x file1.ftn`;
string $Disp = `substitute "Albedo" $A "Displacement"`;
setAttr -type "string" file.fileTextureName $Disp;
But the last line evaluating only once, I need some condiition when it happens everytime I change Albedo texture in particular filenode.
For the record. I've seen few recomendations to use File texture manager or built-in File path editor, but it's not what I need, and that is why...
In FTM I need more operations to make changes even for one texture set.
1) launch FTM
2) press analyze
3) chose particular texture checkbox
4) set new target directory.
5) manually copy and paste Old String
6) manually copy and paste New String
7) press set path
But I need an automation to change the whole texture set by replacing the only one path in single filenode.