I'm trying to understand why this code isn't working.
import maya.cmds as cmds
winName = "myWindow"
dockName = "windowDock"
def gui(*args):
global valueFLD
if(cmds.window(winName, exists=True)):
print("Deleted existing window")
if(cmds.dockControl(dockName, exists=True)):
print("Deleted existing dock")
cmds.window(winName, w=300, h=300)
cmds.button(w=150, h=30,command=workPlease)
valueFLD = cmds.intSliderGrp(v=2, min=1,max=1000,s=1)
cmds.dockControl(dockName, area="right",content=winName)
def workPlease(*args):
currentValue = cmds.intSliderGrp(valueFLD, q=True, v=True)
print currentValue
I use:
import windowTesting
reload (windowTesting)
to run the code.
The gui shows up as it should but when I click the button I get the error:
'myWindow|columnLayout17|intSliderGrp10' not found. #
If I uncomment the showWindow line and comment out the dockControl line it works fine, except of course it isn't docked, and I want it to be docked. It also works if I just change the intSliderGrp to an intField.